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Sandbox Story 2 - The Slow and Hard Build-up of Business


This Story offers a perspective on the importance of demonstrating a willingness to allow for the slow, long, hard build-up of great business ideas. Concepts discussed include the payoff that comes from patient perseverance, and the critical need to be willing to shift mindset when curveballs come your way on the long journey toward success.

As a bonus, I offer an interesting backstory on the build-up of the software company that I co-founded, something that I was only able to endure because of the partnership of Jim Schneider and the business acumen of Paul Hartge.

Two important call-outs are also offered: one is the recognition of my early optometry mentor, Dr. Brian Hammes, who along with his wife, Mary, and son, David, along with all of the staff at Family Focus Eye Care in Fond du Lac, WI, have believed in me as much as family. I am immensely grateful to them all.

The other is a tip of the hat to America's military veterans, who we honor this year on Wed. Nov. 11 with deep respect and high regard for their commitment to our freedom - and to the many in my community whom I have had the good fortune to serve as their eye doctor over the years -- I am grateful for what they have done for me, and glad to have had the opportunity to help them.

See the video, here:

Downloadable Audio-only Podcast Version:

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