Every Optometrist who is actively practicing full-scope medical eye care in the year 2021 should be grateful to the generations before them that spent the time and money to advance the profession. While in the legislative and political arenas, they fought against poor perceptions and flat-out lies to bring Optometry to a level of care that is often taken for granted by new graduates.
Dr. Jim Sandefur is one of those important and proud doctors who has practiced and also led his state association as an Executive Director. He lives in the small town of Oakdale, LA, and enjoys time with his family when not working tirelessly for Optometry.
Please share this Story with your colleagues in the profession who need to hear the drive and ambition of Jim's generation of Optometry. He is a true gem, and I'm grateful to call him a friend.
The Stories within the Story include:
0:55 The 1960’s Education Story
2:37 The Practice Career Story
3:32 The Optometry Evolution Story
4:46 The Louisiana Drug Privileges Story
7:16 The Executive Director Story
9:27 The Exclusive Optometry Law Story
13:14 The InfantSEE Perspective Story
15:36 The Tele-optometry Perspective Story
16:14 The Louisianian Story
18:05 The Organized Optometry Story
21:10 The Family Story
Runtime: 22 min
Access the content via:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/ovFOUvX3GJk
Streaming Audio Podcast -- search for SANDBOX STORIES on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music/Audible, Pandora, TuneIn, & PodBean
Downloadable MP3: https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/fn9v47/Sandbox_Interview_-_Sandefur_AUDIO6vngu.mp3